Why houses?

There are a couple of recurring motifs in my work. When I recognized that the house was one of them, I decided not to attempt to deny my search and fascination. For about ten years I have been making houses out of every material that presents itself. To date I have made houses out of clay, wood, copper, steel, glass, plaster, lead, sugar, yardsticks, pencils, pure graphite, and most recently, concrete. I'm not finished yet. The houses have been mostly of a size that would fit in my palm, because this quest has been personal and that small scale feels intimate to me. The concrete houses are larger in scale and I think this new direction allows the idea of housing to be a larger thought, rather than being my personal search for "home." I do think everyone searches for that place to call home. The concrete houses are solid but minimal. In a group they form an urban landscape. To me, the urban landscape speaks of our human desire for community.
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